Upcoming Events...
Next Church Service:
Discipleship Hour - 9:00am
Worship Service - 10:05am
Live Stream Sermon starts about 10:40am
New Covenant Christian School on Rt 72
452 Ebenezer Road Lebanon, PA 17046
Bible Study:
Wednesday - / - 7pm
We will be starting a new study in February!
Young Adult Around the Table Fellowship:
Wednesday - 02/12 - 6pm
At 109 Lakeside Dr., Fredericksburg
Men's Ministry:
Bible Study
First Sunday of each month - Discipleship Hour
"The Gospel at Work"
Join us as we learn how to live out the gospel in our careers!
Women's Ministry:
Bible Study
Wednesday - 02/12 - 7pm
At the home of Bob and Beth Boltz
"With Joseph in the University of Adversity"
Please read Chapter 27
Craft Night
Wednesday - / - 7pm
At the home of Marian Helwig
Missions Ministry:
Food Bank Sunday - First Sunday of each month